2024 Campaigns
Budget: Allocation of $2.2 million in state funding for in community based prison programs
Parole Hearing Language Accessibility: AB 2310 (Hart) (Signed into law)
Commercial Tenant Protections Act: SB 1103 (Menjivar) (Signed into law)
Accountability Letters and Victim Offender Dialogues: SB 379 (Umberg) (Signed into law)
The REPAIR Act - Youth Restitution Reform: AB 1186 (Bonta) (Signed into law)
Law Enforcement Diversion: AB 2215 (Bryan) (Signed into law)
Accountability and Transparency for Prison Book Bans: AB 1986 (Bryan) (Signed into law)
Resentencing Guidelines: AB 2483 (Ting) (Signed into law)
Reasonable Reconsideration Act: SB 1133 (Becker)
Representation for All Immigrants Act: AB 2031 (Jones Sawyer)
Reducing and Regulating Vending Machine Food Prices in Prison Visiting Rooms: AB 2959 (Ortega)
Courts: Notification System: AB 2625 (Bryan)
Pretrial Diversion: SB 1282 (Smallwood-Cuevas)
Restorative Justice Integrity Act: AB 2833 (McKinnor)
Pretextual Stops for Low-Level Violations: SB 50 (Bradford)
Ending Poverty Tows: AB 1082 (Kalra)
2023 Campaigns
Budget: $21 million in state funding for in prison programs
Victim/Survivor Right to Notice About Restorative Justice Programs: AB 60 (Bryan) (Signed into law)
PATH Act: AB 581(Carrillo) (Signed into law)
Resentencing Reform: AB 600 (Ting) (Signed into law)
Pathway to Community Based Transformation: AB 1104 (Bonta) (Signed into law)
Voting Rights For Incarcerated People: ACA 4 (Bryan) (Two Year Bill)
End Poverty Tows: AB 1082 (Kalra) (Two Year Bill)
Youth Restitution Reform: AB 1186 (Bonta) (Two Year Bill)
Bench Warrant Reform: AB 1266 (Kalra)
Gun Enhancement Reform: AB 1310 (McKinnor)
2022 Campaigns
Budget: $30 million in state funding for community based rehabilitative programs operating in California prisons
Record Expungement Reform: SB 1106 (Weiner) (Signed into law)
Free Prison Phone Calls: SB 1008 (Becker) (Signed into law)